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How You Can Care For Your Plants Like a Professional - Expertplanman
Hi today I'm gonna share tips on how you can care for your plants like a professional does and these tips are going to be applicable for both indoor and outdoor plans my first tip for you is that regularly try and loosen the top soil of the plant this will allow aeration for roots and improve water absorption so take anything sharp or trouble or even an old knife and loosen the top inch or two of soil while doing this if you think that you've hit any of the roots it's alright if they're tiny roads that have been uprooted there's nothing to worry about but if you're a big nerd and if it just so happens that you've hit the main root or if you've disturbed it anyway let the plant heal you for a couple of days repeat this every month and you can do it for almost all plants vegetables flowers and even indoor plants my second suggestion is regular trimming of all plants however the trimming technique might vary depending on the kind of the plant if you have plants such as money plant or any of the photos or monsterous or basically any plant that trails cut the ends this will make the plant in western side growth . This will stop the plant investing in vertical growth and instead inducing side growth basically making your plant more Bushehr and improving the rate of growth for plants such as fiddly fixed rubber plant plants that grow vertically with a solid stem and rod leaves snip them from here this will initiate side growth and especially if you have plants that haven't shown any new growth recently then this tip will be super helpful for you now let's talk about trimming who veggies spinach or any leafy vegetable does not need any kind of trimming but for edibles like tomatoes cucumbers it will be really helpful so this is a cucumber plant here and to get cocoon bizarre the fruit quickly on it we need to ensure that it grows vertically as much possible and we need to stop any kind of side growth so for that what we will do is wherever you see such side stems growing out of the main stem just snip them so this is the clasp this is the main stem and this is the side stem that we need to remove by doing this we are ensuring that the plant is investing all its energy just in the main stem and not in any kind of Cypress the same thing applies for the tomatoes for plants such as Erica Aglio Nima or other such plants which do not have any main stem trying to remove all the yellow or mature genes if there are a couple of leaves that look brown or yellow and rest all of them look healthy there is nothing to be worried about just clip the mouse with regular removal of any matured or yellow leaves or any of the brown leaves will help your plant to invest energy only in the healthy stems now for example in Erica there is no main stem so in this plant you can give it something like a good haircut so remove all the old leaves even if they are not yellow or brown so that the plant can invest energy into bringing out new stems now with all the dried leaves that you collect every month when you do that you can put them in your compost bin and this brings me to my next suggestion which is adding compost or fertilizer for your flaws in my couple of other videos I've shown you that very simply very easily you can produce your own card or compost from your kitchen waste add a little of curd and some soil and you will have good compost homemade compost within a month or so for this you can use a combi which is a proper compost bin or even a mud cup with a couple of aeration voids and if you don't have either of them you can start with a simple bucket but the deeper their bucket is the better it will be a good frequency to add that fertilizer is for garden if you are growing plants outdoor in a garden then you can add a fertilizer in two months once in two months it's okay but if you're growing them in pots the frequency has to be more so once in twenty to thirty days and the reason for that is that when you're growing a plant in pot there is limited amount of nutrients in it and whenever you add water to it those nutrients are reached out then lost along with water so you need to regularly add those nutrients in some form I have a pro tip for anyone who has started gardening recently you should be mindful of when and how you watering the plants now when I say when I mean first what time of the day it's better to water your plants early in the morning because if you're watching your plants in the evening for the entire night they're going to be standing in water or they would be standing in the wet soil because the loss the moisture loss the evaporation would be lesser in the evening or in the night during the day as the Sun comes out they heat the ambient temperature increases both indoors and outdoors as a result the stress on the plant due to the loss of moisture also increases so it's better if you provide water to your plants in the mine however if you have just a plant or two you don't need to worry about it so much whenever you get a chance what are your plans and this factor of when to water day or night does not affect your plan so much as the over watering or under watering does so a good test to know when to water your plant is that you touch the soil and see if it sticks to your finger for most of the plants both indoors and outdoors if it sticks to your finger then do not add water that means there's enough moisture for the roots now of course this also varies depending on the kind of the plant what I told you just now is like a general rule of thumb that you can apply for most of the plants but if you have many many plants I would say first look at your plant and judge what kind it is for example most of the broadleaf plants such as the rubber plant
philodendron once they're as a glue NEMA fiddly fig they lose water very quickly because if you look at the leaves the leaves of broad surface right and the rate of evaporation because of the high surface area would be much more in these plants so for such plants touching the soil with your finger and seeing if it sticks to your finger or not and then adding the water works really well but there are also plants such as succulents any kind of succulents your aloe vera or these pretty ones take echeverria or Satyam's if you break their leaf you would see that they store water in them and these plants are the ones that have evolved in conditions where the moisture in soil is really really low now if you keep adding water to these plant will definitely die on you so for them it's better to keep them under watered meaning that even if the soil is completely dried out completely top to bottom it's alright that will not kill that plant as much the over watering can and as for how to water your plants it's always good to invest in a watering container or a can like this but if you don't have access to it use a bottle with a couple of holes on its cap or just keep and under like this while watering with the mug it will help reduce the pressure of falling water on the delicate parts of the plant I hope all these tips that I shared with you today help and soon be back with another video take care before I sign off for today's video here is a quick update on new clans that had started a couple of days back this is Sir song and I started this from rye seeds the spices that we have and the reason I started it because I want more pollinators and the fun thing is that now can you see these flowers coming out so we'll have more bees in my balcony now the tomatoes have also started flowering and I tickle them every day this is hand pollination that I do so that I get tomatoes successfully this is the cucumber and I wanted to show you Kakuma because at first you only get male flowers this is basically an invitation for the bees the pollinators and very soon we should start getting female flowers as well on this plant this is the fiddly fig from which I had taken our cutting although the cutting is not doing any great but the point where I had made a cut can you see the new growth coming out so this has initiated good growth in this plant and the other plant where we took a cutting the philodendron has started showing new growth.

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